Thuampui - 796017

Aizawl : Mizoram

Dated Aizawl, the 31st  May, 2018


Subject     :       Online Building Plan Approval System (OBPAS) regarding of-

No. D. 32087/5/2017-AMC :  As envisaged under the mission of Smart Cities  and AMRUT and with a view to streamline the processes for submission of building plan, the Aizawl Municipal Corporation (AMC) is introducing Online Building Plan Approval System (OBPAS) with immediate effect from 1st June, 2018.


2               All applications for building permission shall be submitted through;


3               Applications for building permission already received by the AMC prior to the introduction of OBPAS will be processed manually unless and until it is completed;


4               With respect to construction of ordinary building, the applicant/owner has an option to submit the application to AMC Office directly or through Registered Technical Person;


5               Applicant must certify the drawing prepared by Registered Technical Personnel by using prescribed format which is downloadable from the AMC website.


6               The system generated ‘Provisional Building Permission’ will be issued through OBPAS. Permission (in original) shall be collected by Registered Technical Personnel or Applicant from AMC Office.


7               Original/Attested copy of all the required documents alongwith  Provisional Building Permission other than drawings shall be submitted to the AMC at the time of collection of Permission.

Provisional Building Permission


8                A Facilitation Centre has been set up at the AMC Office to cater  Registered Technical Personnel.



                                                                   Sd/- Dr. H. LALTHLANGLIANA

                                                                   Municipal Commissioner

                                                                   Aizawl Municipal Corporation

Memo No. D. 32087/5/2017-AMC  : Dated Aizawl, the 31st  May, 2018

Copy to :

1.       PS to Minister, UD&PA Deptt. for information;

2.       Secretary, UD & PA Deptt. Mizoram, for information;

3.       Mayor/Dy. Mayor, AMC for information;

4.       Director, UD&PA Deptt. for information;

5.       Director, I&PR Deptt. for information;

6.       Under Secretary, DP&AR (Good Governance Cell), Mizoram;

7.       All Councillors, AMC for information;

8.       All Officers and staff concerned under AMC for information and necessary action;

9.       Chairman, _______________________________ Local Council for information;

10.     All registered Technical Personnel under AMC for information and compliance;

11.     Guard File.


                                                                   Municipal Commissioner

                                                                   Aizawl Municipal Corporation


Phone No. 0389 2352090 Fax - 0389 2350246

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